Auf dem Google Geo Developers Blog wurde am 8. April gepostet:

There are also a number of changes that relate to advertising and usage limits. To ensure that we can continue to offer the Maps APIs to developers for free, we now require that any new Maps API applications going forward display any advertising delivered in the maps imagery, unless the site concerned has a Google Maps API Premier license. The opt-out from displaying such advertising that was offered in earlier versions of the Terms will continue to apply to any existing Maps API applications. Information on exercising this right of opt-out will be provided on this blog at least 90 days prior to the launch of any such advertising.

Auch für die Anzahl der Transaktionen (Requests an den Server) ab Oktober 2011 werden neue Bedingungen angekündigt:

From October 1st 2011 commercial web sites and applications using the Maps API may at no cost generate:

1. up to 2,500 maps per day that have been modified using the Styled Maps feature
2. up to 25,000 maps per day in total

So wird auch bei diesem Dienst die (notwendige?) Enhtwicklung vollzogen: Vom ursrpünglich freien Dienst zu einer Variante, dbei der der Seitenbetreiber entweder Werbung in Kauf nehmen muss oder zu Google Maps API Premier zu wechseln.

About fjbehr

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Behr, Professor of Geoinformatics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences ( His specializations include * Internet, Internet GIS * XML, GML, SVG * Data exchange and Interoperability * Visualization * Open Source Solutions * Consulting Member of the DIN working group NA 005-03-03 AA "Arbeitsausschuss Kartographie und Geoinformation" (Sp CEN/TC 287+ISO/TC 211). He is the author of two authoritative books on GIS in German, one is "Strategisches GIS-Management", published by Wichmann Verlag (2004). The second is "Einführung in Geographische Informationssysteme" (1997).

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