Wednesday, April 23, 2008, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.

Standardization provides quality criteria for technical
products and a basis for development and economic success. CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) is the official European
body and contributes to this aim in close cooperation with ISO and national standards bodies such as DIN, this year‘s host of the
of CEN/TC 287 Geographic Information and the joint Working Groups. After developing
its first standards, CEN/TC 287 established the Geo-Standards in Practice –
CEN/TC 287 Interoperability Workshop which is
organized by the Advisory Group on Outreach of CEN/TC 287 in cooperation with DIN, the hosting national body.

The Workshop is a forum where interested
geoprofessionals can learn about the highly sophisticated standards published by CEN, the background of the standards, and how you
can benefit from them in practice.
Research by DIN and the German Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology, in cooperation
with the Austrian and Swiss standardization bodies, established that the economic benefits of standardization in Germany alone
amount to more than 15 billion annually (

Aims of the Workshop

The use of geoinformation standards will be presented by a number of experienced professionals,
with the focus on the great variety of applications. In addition,
information on international
standardization projects and on the successes and limitations of standardization will be available.

Participants will also have an opportunity to report on their own experience with standards and put
forward their ideas for improvement and for future standardization projects.

Pre-registration is required at: astrid.balada [at]